using System; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI; using OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; /* // The source code was generated by cSharpSeleniumGenerator.js // Copyright: Tricentis // Website: // C# plugin version: 1.3.4 */ namespace MyNamespace1 { [TestClass] public class MyTestCase1 { private IWebDriver _driver; private const int MOUSE_LEFT = 0; private const int MOUSE_RIGHT = 2; private const bool alwaysExecuteActionInLatestWindow = true; [TestInitialize] public void TestInit() { _driver = new ChromeDriver(); _driver.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5); _driver.Manage().Window.Maximize(); _driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(""); } [TestMethod] public void Test() { Click(null, By.XPath("html/body/div[4]/div[2]/section[1]/div[1]/div/div/div/div[2]/div/div/h3/a"), MOUSE_LEFT,1); SendKeys(null, By.Id("autocomplete-0-input"),"umbrella", true, 6); Click(null, By.XPath(".//*[@id='autocomplete-0-label']/button"), MOUSE_LEFT,6); Click(null, By.XPath(".//*[@id='instant-search-results-container']/div/div/ol/li[1]/div/div/a/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/img"), MOUSE_LEFT,8); SelectItemByVisibleText(null, By.Id("attribute234"), 6, "Choose an Option..." ); SelectItemByVisibleText(null, By.Id("attribute234"), 6, "Mint" ); Click(null, By.XPath("html"), MOUSE_LEFT,5); Click(null, By.XPath(".//*[@id='product-addtocart-button']/span"), MOUSE_LEFT,3); } /// /// Switches to an iframe. /// /// /// The json frames. ex: [{"value":"child2","type":"id_or_name"}] /// "type" should be "id or value" or "index" /// private void SwitchToFrames(string framesJson) { try { _driver.SwitchTo().DefaultContent(); var array = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(framesJson); var children = array.Children(); foreach (var obj in children) { var type = obj.GetValue("type").ToString(); var value = obj.GetValue("value").ToString(); // switch to desired frame/iframe if (type.ToLower() == "index") { _driver.SwitchTo().Frame(int.Parse(value)); } else { _driver.SwitchTo().Frame(value); } } } catch { throw; } } /// /// Sends the keys to the UI element /// /// The element locator /// The keys to send to the element /// if true, clear the text field before sending keys to it, otherwise, false /// The time out, in seconds, to find element public void SendKeys(String frames, By locator, string keys, bool clearTextBeforeSendingKeys, int timeOutInSeconds) { if (alwaysExecuteActionInLatestWindow) SwitchToLastWindow(frames); IWebElement elm = FindElement(locator, timeOutInSeconds); if (clearTextBeforeSendingKeys) elm.Clear(); elm.SendKeys(keys); } /// /// Clicks the specified UI element. /// /// The element locator. /// The mouse button, e.g. MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT. /// The timeout in seconds. public void Click(String frames, By locator, int mouseButton, int timeoutInSeconds) { Click(frames, locator, mouseButton, null, timeoutInSeconds); } /// /// Clicks on the specified UI element. /// /// The element locator. /// The mouse button. /// The modifier keys. /// The timeout in seconds. /// Element not found. /// Failed to click on the element public void Click(String frames, By locator, int mouseButton, string modifierKeys, int timeoutInSeconds) { if (alwaysExecuteActionInLatestWindow) SwitchToLastWindow(frames); bool success = false; long timeoutInMillies = timeoutInSeconds * 1000; IWebElement elm = null; // time spent counters long timeSpentInMillis = 0; // try to click on the element until wait timout reached while ((success == false) && (timeSpentInMillis <= timeoutInMillies)) { try { Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // find the element and calculate time spent elm = FindElement(locator, 1); stopWatch.Stop(); timeSpentInMillis += stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; if (elm != null) { PerformClick(elm, mouseButton, modifierKeys); // successfully clicked on element, turn on the flag to escape the loop success = true; } } catch (Exception e) { // probably the element is not present yet or it is non-clickable Console.WriteLine(e.Message); // if element is found and we reached to the timeout, try to click on it with JavaScript if ((elm != null) && (timeSpentInMillis > timeoutInMillies)) { IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)this._driver; js.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].click();", elm); // successfully clicked on element, turn on the flag to escape the loop success = true; } } } if (!success) { if (elm == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Element not found."); } else { throw new Exception("Failed to click on the element"); } } } private void PerformClick(IWebElement element, int mouseButton, string modifierKeys) { modifierKeys = modifierKeys ?? string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(modifierKeys) && (mouseButton == MOUSE_LEFT)) { element.Click(); return; } var actions = new Actions(_driver); if (modifierKeys.IndexOf("Ctrl") > -1) { actions = actions.KeyDown(Keys.Control); } if (modifierKeys.IndexOf("Alt") > -1) { actions = actions.KeyDown(Keys.Alt); } if (modifierKeys.IndexOf("Shift") > -1) { actions = actions.KeyDown(Keys.Shift); } if (mouseButton == MOUSE_LEFT) { actions = actions.Click(element); } else { actions = actions.ContextClick(element); } if (modifierKeys.IndexOf("Ctrl") > -1) { actions = actions.KeyUp(Keys.Control); } if (modifierKeys.IndexOf("Alt") > -1) { actions = actions.KeyUp(Keys.Alt); } if (modifierKeys.IndexOf("Shift") > -1) { actions = actions.KeyUp(Keys.Shift); } actions.Perform(); } /// /// Finds the element by a locator /// /// The element locator. /// The timeout, in seconds, to wait for element. /// private IWebElement FindElement(By locator, int waitForElementTimeoutInSeconds) { while (true) { try { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(_driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(waitForElementTimeoutInSeconds)); return wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(locator)); } catch (WebDriverTimeoutException) { // sometimes WebDriverWait falied to find elements, e.g. Dojo checkboxs, and we need to fall back to use WebDriver itself return _driver.FindElement(locator); } catch (UnhandledAlertException) { // Alert dialog is about to be closed, wait a moment and retry System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); } } } /// /// Select an option in a select element /// /// frame list, where select tag belong to /// locator of select element /// wait time out /// text to select public void SelectItemByVisibleText(String frames, By selectElementLocator, int waitForElementTimeout, String text) { if (alwaysExecuteActionInLatestWindow) SwitchToLastWindow(frames); SelectElement sel = new SelectElement(FindElement(selectElementLocator, waitForElementTimeout)); sel.SelectByText(text); } /// /// Switch to lastest window and frames /// /// List of frame to switch or null private void SwitchToLastWindow(String frameList) { _driver.SwitchTo().Window(_driver.WindowHandles.Last()); if (null != frameList) SwitchToFrames(frameList); } [TestCleanup] public void TestCleanup() { _driver.Close(); _driver.Quit(); } } }